Dogpile on those who served

July 8, 2008

I hear Bill Clinton has joined his fellow lefties to trash McCain’s service.

“Every living soul on this planet has some highly-justified anger. Everyone. If you know anybody who was a P.O.W. for any time, they can be going on for years and all of a sudden something will happen that will trigger all those bad memories.”

It’s dogpile on the POW day. Sad, eh?

Leonard Pitts, from the Miami Herald wrote a good column about War Heroes.

I make no case for sainthood for those or any other military personnel. I make no case that military service exempts you from criticism, however vigorous and sharp. No, the case I make is for simple respect.

Maybe I am hypersensitive, maybe just old-fashioned by the standards of an era that regards earnestness as a character flaw. Still, it strikes me as viscerally wrong, offensive at the mitochondrial level, to trivialize, demean or diminish, particularly for political gain, a man’s service and sacrifice on behalf of his country.

For those lefties that stoop so low as to trash one’s service, shame on you. Yes, mild words. But true. You have dishonored yourselves as well as your country. Those that say the left ‘supports the troops’ yet insult them only show the lies they speak. Politics before country.

There has to be a special place in Hell for those that insult veterans for personal and political gain.