Which is Scarier?

July 13, 2008

Obama with all of his problems (lack of experience, associations, bad judgement, flip-flops, voting record {“Present”}, etc…)

Or the people that support him? This bit from an alleged “college professor“.

Obama must resolve the issue of reparations

The white man owes the African people a heavy debt drenched in the blood and misery of slavery

Each day that brings Barrack Obama closer to the American Presidency brings us closer to the matter of reparations. America owes Africa and the people of Africa a profound debt. The numbers are staggering: millions of Africans enslaved and murdered by America. Millions of Africans oppressed and jailed in America’s prisons today. Families destroyed. Culture destroyed. Knowledge stolen and denied.

How much should America pay? Clearly the amount would be in the billions in monetary funds. Additionally, there is no reason why any African should pay taxes to the American government. I certainly hope that Obama as President will make that a reality. But more than mere money is required here. America must express a sincere remorse for the crimes it has committed against humanity. America should be made to pay a price and be punished.

After the European powers concluded their First World War they made Germany pay a price. They made Germany pay vast sums from their treasury. They redrew Germany’s borders. They reduced Germany’s military and economic might. I suggest that similar measures be taken on America.

Keep in mind that all of the territory that comprises the United States is stolen land. The United States therefore is an illegal nation. The Southwestern part of America for example, belongs to Mexico. Why not return this land to the people of Mexico?

It may take generations but I hope that a President Obama will start the process and will correct the wrongs of America and start the healing.

What do you think? This ‘Professor’ states that getting Obama in office as President, the black people will acheive their dreams. Dreams of the United States being divided. Dreams of blacks having their own States. Dreams of blacks not paying taxes.

I do not believe that these are the dreams that MLK had.

Is this just a lone psycho? Or are these views shared by the masses? Shouldn’t we know how prevalent these vews are before we elect him?

The states should not be spit apart. There is no way possible to determine how much land and which land.

Blacks not paying taxes? Impossible to enforce. With all the mixing of the races, how much ‘black’ do you have to have in you to avoid taxes? Or do you pay on percentage of ‘white’? And how many people have ‘proof’ lying around? And how many blacks have come here long after slavery was abolished? Why should they benefit from those who are descendants of slavery? Besides, how would blacks be able to support their new state government without taxes? Can’t rely on whitey, can you? Wouldn’t that be a form of racism? Gotta be something in the Constitution that prohibits this. (Yeah, I’m too lazy to look it up at the moment.)

And is it just me, or would it seem to bizarre to have a black president expressing deep remorse and apologizing for slavery?

And it appears this ‘professor’ is ignoring the problems of blacks vs blacks. Most blacks are killed by blacks. Not whitey. Much of their plight is the result of their own actions.

So, when you check that blockwhen you vote for President, remember that you’re not just voting for that person to run this country. You’re also voting for their supporters. You’re giving them the power to run the country. What direction do THEY want to take it? Obama will listen to the people. If enough people ask for reparations, will he give it to them? Somebody needs to ask Obama what his SPECIFIC views on reparations are. We must know before election day. Otherwise, this will be another unknown factor in a person with too many unknowns.

We need to find out what his real views are now. Before we’ve been bamboozled, hoodwinked, swindled, and fooled.