What “Global Warming”?

March 20, 2007

Brrr! It’s friggin cold up here in Anchorage!!

According to the Anchorage Daily News (3/16/07), Anchorage is on track to set record for the coldest March. Yep, ‘COLDEST’!

Stats: 41 days of freezing, 9.2 degrees average temp, last time this cold was in 1971, and the ‘good’ news… more cold in the forecast!

Ok, so some places are warmer. Big deal. Maybe we don’t have ‘Global Warming’, we might just have Global Shifting.

Are Anti-War People More Violent?

March 20, 2007

It sure looks like it. I don’t recall any pro-war people doing dirty deeds like this.

Mike Rogers’ Office Vandalized.

The terrorists are losing!

March 20, 2007

Yes, they are! And they’re proving it!!

Children used in recent bombing!

Why else would you use children unless you can’t find an adult to do the job? Shhh! Do you hear that silence? Yes, that is the muslim community condemning this attack.